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What we stand for

G25 is committed to pursue a just, democratic, peaceful, tolerant, harmonious, moderate and progressive multi-racial, multi cultural, multi religious Malaysia through Islamic principles of Wassatiyah (moderation) and Maqasid Syariah (well-being of the people) that affirms justice, compassion, mercy, equity.

Malaysia is to be led by rule of law, good governance, respect for human rights and upholding the institution of the country.

We aim to ensure, raise awareness, promote that Syariah laws and civil laws should work in harmony and that the Syariah laws are used within its legal jurisdiction and limits as provided for by the federal and state division of powers.

There should be rational dialogues to inform people on how Islam is used for public law and policy that effects the multi ethnic and multi religious Malaysia and within the confines of the Federal Constitution, the supreme law of the nation.

We work in a consultative committee of experts to advise the government and facilitate amendments to the state Syariah laws, to align to the Federal Constitution and the spirit of Rukun Negara.

It is imperative to achieve a politically stable, economically progressive Malaysia and to be able to enjoy the harmony, tolerance, understanding and cooperation in this multi diverse country.

Cut down civil service before it's too late, says former Treasury sec-gen

Former Treasury secretary-general Mohd Sheriff Mohd Kassim today suggested the government to cut down the "oversized" civil service when it can still afford it.

"I would say, although it may cost the government heavy expenditure to retrench (civil servants), it is worthwhile to do it now when we can still afford it, rather than waiting until we are forced into a financial crisis like what happened in Greece," he said, citing the European nation which abruptly cut down its civil service to reduce its operations expenditure when it was hit hard, economically.

Retrenching civil servants now would also be a kinder approach, as it would allow them to be compensated fairly, Sheriff told a economic governance forum in Sasana Kijang, Bank Negara today.

He said the country's bloated civil service has created inefficiencies in the economy and failures in the financial disciplines of ministries and government departments.

Sheriff joked that Malaysia should emulate US President Donald Trump in downsizing its civil service.

"Since all (our) previous attempts to downsize (the civil service) had not succeeded, maybe we should follow Donald Trump, who had said he wants to reduce the size of the civil service in Washington, which was creating too much bureaucracy, crippling the economy and burdening the federal budget.

"There was an instruction from Trump that for every new department or agency created, two must be closed down.

"I think if we adopt this instruction clearly, it will make ministries think twice before they come to the Public Services Department," he said.

Malaysia currently has 1.6 million civil servants and the government has to allocate RM76 billion annually on salaries and allowances. Another RM21.6 billion is spent on pensions.

Sheriff served as secretary-general of the Treasury between 1991 and 1994, and was later the managing director of Khazanah Nasional Berhad for nine years.

He now sit in the board of Plus Malaysia Berhad, Standard Chartered Bank Malaysia Berhad, and Scientex Berhad.

The forum was organised by the Malaysian Economic Association (MEA), formed by a group of economists in 1962. Sheriff is also MEA ex-president.

Response from Perkasa



Cadangan Tan Sri Sheriff Kassim supaya saiz Perkhidmatan awam dikecilkan perlulah dilihat secara berhati hati oleh Kerajaan dan janganlah gopoh membuat keputusan. Cadangan ini hendaklah ditolak.Dengan ini PERKASA menyokong penoh kenyataan Ketua Setiausaha Negara (Berita TV3 17/2/2017) bahwa saiz perkhidmatan awam tidak akan dikecilkan.

2. Sebenarnya perkara ini bukanlah isu baru, malah telah pernah dibincangkan dibeberapa forum sebelum ini.Penjelasan yang telah dibuatpun sama ia itu tentang kelasifikasi perkhidmatan awam itu sendiri.Dibanyak negara,perkhidmatan perkhidmatan saperti tentera,polis,guru dan pihak berkuasa tempatan tidak di kelasifikasikan sebagai anggota perkhidmatan awam.Sedangkan Malaysia merangkumkan semua itu sebagai perkhidmatan awam.Sebab itu lah mereka mempunyai nisbah perkhidmatan awam dan rakyat yang rendah berbanding dengan kita.

3. Selain dari itu ,kita tidak harus lupa bahawa sebagai sebuah negara membangun,jentera sektor awam masih dan perlu kuat serta kukoh untuk menerajui proses penyusunan semula masyarakat.Ketidakseimbangan ekonomi masih terlalu jauh dari mencapai matlamatnya.Matlamat DEB yang disasar sejak 1970 berikutan Peristiwa 13 Mei masih belum tercapai.Untuk itu peranan perkhidmatan awam dalam memacu jentera negara perlulah sentiasa diperkasakan.

4.Seperkara lagi ,Perlembagaan Malaysia memperuntukkan hak istimewa orang orang Melayu dan hasrat ini dimanfestasikan melalui perkhidmatan awam.Jika langkah pengecilan dibuat dengan proses menghentikan sebahgian dari mereka walaupun dengan pampasan lumayan, akan mengguris hati orang Melayu.Mereka melihat perkhidmatan awam sebagai pemberi pekerjaan sehingga anak anak mereka sanggup menjadi buruh, pemandu, kerani dll.,asalkan dalam perkhidmatan awam..Mereka bangga bekerja dengan kerajaan.Mereka merasa selesa dan , berprestij dan ada pencen sebagai jaminan masa hadapan.

5.Perkhidmatan kerajaan juga bukan lah sama dengan syarikat swasta dan koperat saperti MAS, Proton dan lain lain yang boleh membuang pekerja sesuka hati atas dasar penjimatan belanja.Kerajaan tidak harus lupa akan adanya implikasi politik terhadap negara jika ini dilakukan. 6.PERKASA berharap agar kenyataan Ketua Setiausaha Negara itu muktamad dan tidak dibangkitkan lagi oleh mana mana pihak.JANGAN TERSALAH LANGKAH,kerana saiz dan keutuhan perkhidmatan awam akan menentu gagal jayanya usaha pembangunan nasional dan penyusunan semula masyarakat.


Dato Sirajuddin Hj Salleh Timbalan Presiden. 0192885350

Counter response

Bukan saya atau KSN atau PERKASA akan menentukan apa akan jadi sekira nya negara dilanda olih krisis ekonomi yg lebih teruk dari apa yg kita mengalami dlm tahun 1985/6 (recession due to twin deficits) dan 1997/8 (East Asian Financial Crisis)

Di Greece, PM nya mati mati tidak mahu memotong gaji dan pension pekerja kerajaan. Akhir nya PM nya terpaksa memotong semua kerana instituti kewangan bersedia mengishtihar Greece negara yg tak layak menerima bantuan antarabangsa. Greece mengalami rescue package yg amat terhina kpd maruah bangsa nya. Walaupun rakyat membantah dgn tunjuk perasaan yang terbesar, Greece terpaksa terima nasibnya.

Saya tidak mahu negara kita yg tercinta jadi begitu.

Yang saya cadang bukan pembuangan pekerja dgn cara yg tidak bertimbang rasa. Ada cara membuat retrenchment dengan cara prekemanusiaan yg tidak menyiksa orang saperti dibuat di MAS dan Standard Chartered Bank - Voluntary Separation Scheme.


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