I wish to thank you for publishing my interview on 4th September. However three important topics were left out which are as elaborated below.
The Civil Service
Over the years the Government has invested heavily on the training of civil servants. There are several PhDs now. However what is of grave concern is that lately it has been undermined. The previous Attorney General was asked to retire before his time, two MACC officers were transferred out at short notice, the head of the MACC took early retirement, the number two officer also retired and the number three officer instead of being promoted was transferred out to another department. This was unprecedented and bad for the morale with unhealthy consequences.
Islam vis a vis Arab culture
There seems to be a confusion between Islam and Arab culture resulting in a steady Arabisation of the Malay society. President Jokowi of Indonesia says the people can belong to any faith but remain adherents of what he calls the rich budaya nusantara. The same can be applied to us here.
The Conference of Rulers
The Rulers' paramount responsibility is for the welfare and well being of the people. Hence with due respect the Rulers Conference has an oversight role to play over national issues like hudud. The people cannot be fooled that it is not merely divisive but a launching pad for PAS. Their ultimate objective remains the establishment of a Muslim theocracy in which the Rulers will have no place, like Iran.
With regard to Tan Sri Ramon Navaratnam's comment G25 is not going for numbers. Instead it is forming alliances with like minded organisations at both national and state levels. We are a Muslim body because we deal with religious matters. By remaining non-partisan we are able to meet with leaders from both sides of the political divide.